Wednesday, 28 April 2010

FTC 003 - Burning Times - The End Is The Beginning...

Burning Times was a revolution. I don't think I was alone in Brighton in feeling disillusioned with the local punk and specifically the hardcore scene. Bands were breaking up and less and less people were turning up to shows. Out of the spine of Abandon Ship came Burning Times; a three-piece thrashing out hardcore songs and reuniting a scene. The shows at the Cowley Club were some of the most passionate and reaffirming moments that I don't think have ever been equalled since I have been involved in punk rock.

This is a much-overlooked follow-up 7" from a band that meant the entire fucking world to me for a very short period in time. I was honoured to be involved in this record. This band are sorely missed.

You can buy this record for £2.50 postage paid by clicking here:

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